Recently GitHub released a new feature for the profile pages: You can now create a special repository named<username>/<username> with a file which will be displayed to visitors of your GitHub profile. You are free to put anything in it that github-flavored markdown supports.


I already maintain a personal blog (you are viewing it right now) with occasional posts, so I thought it would be nice to have a list of the latest posts linked on my GitHub profile's, along with some introductory information about me.

While you can edit the file as often as you want manually, that seems like an additional step to do every time I upload a new post to the blog. What I really want is to fetch the latests posts automatically from my website and generate the dynamically from it.

It turns out even with the limited functionality of markdown you can do exactly that with GitHub Actions! No javascript required. No manual work required. Always up-to-date.

Be warned, that this feature was not really intedend to be used like this and while the result pretty cool, quite some hackery is required!

Markdown generator

Let's start by writing the actual generator. You can do this in any language you want as long as it's supported by github actions. I went with Go because of it's excellent text/template package wich will be used to generate the markdown output.

My website is build with hugo and provides a RSS feed with all posts. This is the perfect candidate to fetcht the data we will need.

I used the package, a small library for simplifying the parsing of RSS and Atom feeds with very little dependencies that gives us easy to work with structs for the items of a RSS URL

feed, err := rss.Fetch("")
if err != nil {

That's all that is required to get a neatly parsed slice of *rss.Items that are easy to work with. While this is a very bad way of handling errors in general, for this purpouse treating any error as fatal will be fine and ensure that the generation does not continue so at least the latest working version of the is visible if something goes wrong.

My RSS feed contains all items on the website, including things like the contact or about pages that are not really posts and should not be included in the list. These have to be filtered out. Additionally, I have structured my blog in different topics and would like to group the posts by that categories.

These categories are not something that is present as RSS metadata, but the URL follows a fixed scheme and we can use this to do filtering and sorting. The links to the the posts are composed like this:<category>/<postname>

Let's start by creating a suitable structure that we can later pass to the template:

posts := make(map[string][]*rss.Item)

That's quite a mouthful. posts is a map having the categories as string keys and pointers to individual slices of rss.Items as values. From the feed fetched above we can now iterate over all posts, filter and append to the correct slices. The name of the categories are taken from the URL and capitalized. Also this approach has the added benefit of adding the posts in the correct order, as the feed is already ordered by date.

for _, v := range feed.Items {
    if strings.HasPrefix(v.Link, "") {
        cat := strings.Title(strings.Split(v.Link, "/")[4])
        posts[cat] = append(posts[cat], v)

Easy, right? All that is left here is to read the template from a file and render it to the standard output passing our posts structure as input to it.

t, err := template.ParseFiles("template")
err = t.Execute(os.Stdout, posts)

You can find the complete code of the script in the repository

Output template

The template is contained in a separate file. Go's text/template rendering engine will allow us to put anything in here, not only markdown, and provide the additional template directives surrounded with {{ and }} we can use to fill in the dynamic content.

My template starts with some static markdown and embedded html blocks, use this as you like. The last few lines is where all the magic happens. This is where the posts data structure we created before will start to make sense, as it allows for very simple code in the template.

{{ range $cat, $posts:= . }}
## {{ $cat }}:
{{range $i, $p:= $posts}}{{if lt $i 5}}- [{{$p.Title}}]({{$p.Link}})
{{ end }}

All that is needed are two nested loops and a check for the maximum number of posts we'd like to show. The first loop will over all categories, the second one over all posts of that cathegory. Since the outer structure is a map we can use the keys and values to access all needed strings easily. The headings will just be the keys while the values (rss.Item slices) are passed to the second loop.

The inner loop contains a check using the lt (less than) pipeline provided by the text/template package to limit the output to 5 posts per category. This will be the 5 most recent posts of every category.

That's all the code! You could do anything you want here to generate dynamic content: Pass the output of other functions, fetch other data from the internet, generate a picture... The options are limited by your imagination.

GitHub Actions

At this point we have a working generator. We can test it by running it locally and it will print out markdown. Copy-paste it in your and you will see the output it generates.

Now let's make this automatic. Head over to the GitHub Actions tab of the repository and start with the recommended Go Workflow action. It will create a .github/workflows/go.yml file with some default content. We need to modify a few things for this purpouse.

Keep in mind our final goal is to generate a markdown file, so let's do exactly that now. The go run command will interpret the go code without compiling it to a executable. Just add an additional step to the build: that runs our builder and pipes the output to

- name: Build and Generate
  run: go run builder.go >

To put the file back into the repository itself, another step is needed. We will check for changed files, commit and push them from and to GitHub itself. Yes, it reminds me of the movie Inception too.

- name: Commit and push
  run: |-
    git diff
    git config --global ""
    git config --global "README-bot"
    git add -A
    git commit -m "Updated content" || exit 0
    git push

At this point if you push to the repository, a new file should be generated and displayed in your profile page. This is great for testing, but adding a time-based execution of the workflow is what we really want. Luckily GitHub actions support a on: directive with cron-like syntax to run workflows on predefined times. I keep the push trigger aswell as it might come in handy if I change the template.

    - cron:  '32 * * * *'


That's it, you're done! The action will run on the specified interval and also on any push. You can track the output on the github workflow status page:


If everything worked correcly it will run builder which fetches the RSS feed, extracts the information, generates a markdown file, commits and pushes it back to the repository. Have fun customzing it to your liking ;)